03/24/2023 Friday mildly mysterious

Mystery plants in rock garden.
Mystery plant in rock garden. In the right place for where I put scarlet pea but maybe too pointy leaves? We shall see.
I think a Houstonia bluet and a baby ponysfoot.
This is in the right place for fuzzy beans.
I suspect this is also a fuzzy bean (Strophostyles sp).

09/24/2022 rock garden

The NPSOT plant sale rain lily has seeds!
Another friend from that plant sale, the Justicia pilosella, seems much happier here up front in the sandy soil of the rock garden than it did in the backyard.

09/02/2022 Y A Y

As the sign says, it’s our one rain lily! I planted it this spring from the NPSOT plant sale. Norman got 1.4″ rain yesterday.
The rain lily was beautiful, and now home for a spider building its web from the lily flower to the ground.


The Missouri fluttermill primroses just keep going! I’m wondering if it’s that I’m giving the new Justicia pilosella behind them water? It’s usually just a cup or two.
A mystery squash has emerged.
The green basils are getting sunscald on their leaves, I think. The amethyst basil are shaded a bit by the mealy blue sage and look better, but also wilt more often between watering.

06/25/2022 fluttermill harvest

I love the fluttermill primrose seed pods. Their four “paddles” split apart when pulled to reveal seeds inside in four channels.
Most pods had seeds. Some just had some shriveled little specks fall out which I assume were seeds that didn’t get fertilized.

06/05/2022 bird nest

Bird’s nest fungi, that is!!!
The Chef noticed these this afternoon. Very excited.
A William’s pride apple!!!
I realized there are multiple kinds of horse crippler cactus. Mom helped me identify this as Echinocactus horizonthalonius (the common and widespread subspecies), based on it having eight ribs. The flower closed in the sunshine today. Apparently it needs a second individual to make fruit, ie it’s self sterile (also known as self incompatible).
Some kind friends brought us a big obsidian rock!
I put it near the baby two leaf senna. I think the black and yellow will look very nice together.
A small pokeberry growing in backyard.
A Texas dandelion accidentally brought from home! Yay!