05/04/2024 great restraint

We went up to Native Plant Nursery of Oklahoma City today to help the Chef’s mom add some drought tolerant native plants to her garden. We got her six plants but we stuck to our personal list and thus got only one! We feel positively responsible.

The people staffing the nursery were helpful and knowledgeable and willing to brainstorm ideas with us. (Especially helpful since the Chef’s mom lives a bit away where some different species can grow.)

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11/26/2023 minor plant miracle!

My seemingly giant finger pointing at a very tiny sprig of green emerging from an otherwise gray stem.
I was examining the stems and base of the two scarlet peas we dug up in early fall from the doomed prairie (sold for building on) in town. I’ve been watering both since we moved them. Today I noticed a tiny green shoot emerging from one stem of one plant! I’m going to try to grow this species from seed too but it’s nice to know at least one made it.