Shacks needed outside in the sun. please humans!!! (he was right, it’s super nice out.)
Continue reading “03/17/2024 perfect sunshine”03/09/2024 Saturday yay
This weekend was beautiful and sunny.
Continue reading “03/09/2024 Saturday yay”03/04/2024 surprises
A daylight surprise and and after dark surprise!
Continue reading “03/04/2024 surprises”02/23/2024 springing
Several classic spring flowers are coming up and a mystery seedling too.
Continue reading “02/23/2024 springing”02/18/2024 seedling shell
I’m on watch for any new friends popping so we can photograph the seedlings.
Continue reading “02/18/2024 seedling shell”01/28/2024 grasslands field trip

01/29/2024 seedlings to watch

12/21/2023 preparing for solstice rain

08/05/2023 mystery grass

07/15/2023 maybe bluehearts??