05/04/2024 great restraint

We went up to Native Plant Nursery of Oklahoma City today to help the Chef’s mom add some drought tolerant native plants to her garden. We got her six plants but we stuck to our personal list and thus got only one! We feel positively responsible.

The people staffing the nursery were helpful and knowledgeable and willing to brainstorm ideas with us. (Especially helpful since the Chef’s mom lives a bit away where some different species can grow.)

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06/06/2023 milkweed revives!

Something completely chopped off one of the two baby Asclepias viridiflora in the rainbow garden. I was pleased to find it is growing back! As of today (06/11/2023) it has grown another pair of leaves too.

05/29/2023 quarter inch rain

One of our four new prairie larkspurs has bloomed!!
I took several angles as I was excited. Three of four plants tried to bloom but their flower stalks got knocked over or snipped off by something toothy.
The showy milkweed in the side yard (north of the rainbow garden) is coming up!
Our three kinds of milkweed are growing!! The lower left one is a green milkweed. The two biggest plants are whorled milkweed (A. verticillata) from Abby. The one remaining viridiflora is not in the picture.