Maybe Phacelia?I found at least four leaves full of my amazing tree hopper friends.Each leaf had a different set of adults or immatures.Adults get taken care of too.Babies!!!The leaf bends where the treehopper eggs were.Lace bugFrogfruit east of patio is doing well. Just moved a piece there this spring.Nice true bugDog flower highly mobile.Monarda future flower bud??Baptisia and okraRudbeckia maxima from Abby has a new leaf.A planthopper (Flatidae) on curly dock. First time for this family in the yard?? I used to see them regularly at home.Rattlesnake master still lives.Passionvine (seeds from Bartlesville) doing well in their second year.Tiny bee on butterfly milkweedHedeoma in with Datura.
On Thursday last week, I put bone meal for phosphorus around the three tomatoes that haven’t flowered this year. Monday, I found flowers on one. I haven’t checked the others yet.Maximilian sunflower flamingo.Monday, I think this is switchgrass from some native seed mix. This is Sorghastrum nutans, another major tallgrass prairie species. Thanks Jeanne for the correction!!Monday, a dog smiled.Monday, also sorted seeds from Mom and others to plant now and later in winter.Monday, got seeds in the mail!!Monday, a plant hopper on okra.Sunday stir fry contained garden poblanos and jalapeños.
An outdoor dinner. Garden basil and oregano.Moved the chives and garlic chives that Judy gave me last year. Maybe they’ll like this spot better.Uzbek golden, little, and New Kuroda carrots.Gram helps me get seeds out.Fall seeds planted of cabbage, mizuna, greens, and cauliflower. Tomatoes and peppers for overwintering. And a few pots of Roman chamomile for the front yard ground cover.This is where I shall attempt peppers and tomatoes over the winter.This goldenrod was already here and is doing very nicely.A giant 1″+ horsefly on a backyard window sill.Never going outside again.I lied. Outside again. Chiltepin peppers.Frostweed doing alright after it died back earlier in summer.A little spider got this Eastern Tailed-Blue on the englemann daisy.Texas mallow blooming!The non native clematis. I’ll clean it out over the winter.Okra flowerA bumblebee on the okra!
Okra flower keeping its banker’s hours.Taco week leftovers include garden potatoes and garden sweet peppers (a few mini bells and one Jimmy Nardallo sweet pepper) and tomatoes in cheese sauce.Wet dog helping me water.A kind friend who was moving gave me a string of solar lights which I put in the trellises today. They have a switch, so I can have them on only as needed, so we don’t distract the night bugs from their business.
It’s definitely ready to bloom, as this wasn’t here last night when I picked. So I’m going to ask the Chef to come see if he can catch it flowering today while I’m at work.
Okra oneOkra twoA baby Madhu Ras melon! Excited for cantaloupe season.A skipper, to be identified.Three skippers on ironweed! The right two are female (middle) and male (right most) Sachems.Frogfruit is really taking off!There were at least two skippers like this so it might be a different individual than the first picture.Good helper.