The tiny bowl on the left contains popcorn from a deeper container. The tiny bowl on the right contains popcorn from a shallow bowl. Both are stored near an air vent. The sample on the right had nearly all kernels pop. The sample on left did not. We have decided we need to at least stir that container.
A full range of glass gem popcorn corn ears!Some kernels started to pop in the hot dry shade which is what prompted us to bring them inside.Not sure if this is popping or fungus or something else.Some kernels appear scratched up but we’re not sure why.A few ears did not get fully pollinated and were not covered with kernels completely.These ears had several kernels that popped open.Natural lighting shows off the colors best.Everyone’s thumbs are sore from removing kernels.I used the colander to sift out a bit of chaff. I think Paula has plans to do more later.Two bowls full. 1,146 g total including our earlier test.
Glass gem popcorn in all its glorious colors!One cob down, two to go.Paula just used her hands to remove the kernels.The kernels are such a beautiful mix of colors!Three ears of popcorn made 147 g of dried kernels. We let the ears dry on the stalk and then have been keeping them in the hot dry shade on the porch.About half of the kernels Paula tried did pop. According to this extension service article we found, this means they’re probably still too moist. More should pop and be fluffier too once they dry more. However, we’re still quite pleased!
I think the latest glass gem popcorn (right) was harvested at a better time. The colors are brighter and the kernels are looser. The plant stalk was completely dry as well as the ear husk.Tuqu wanted to rub her face on it.Gram was only mildly intrigued.Shackleton went under the bed to avoid responding to our survey.Briar only had eyes for Shackleton.
Two moon and stars watermelon babies!We picked two ears of glass gem popcorn and it’s so beautiful in the sunlight!!First crop of purple hull pinkeye cowpeas.
Baby cushaw squash!Recovering from removal of benign sebaceous cysts is more complicated than either of us expected.Purple hulled pinkeye cowpea.I really like the little signs Paula got me for Christmas. They stand out well.A gray hairstreak on a Madhu ras canteloupe flower.Paula’s Coryphantha sulcata is blooming!In fact, it has two. She says it had six earlier this year too.New tiny moth – a spotted thyris!Bee butt in loofah gourd.Paula made Thai green curry for dinner. It contains last year’s garden white currant tomatoes (from frozen, so that works well), garden onions, and garden walking onions.The Texas buckeye is very angry. I put a hose out to soak there. Jeanne has let me know the wild ones do this too, so maybe it will recover.Possibly purple prairie clover from free packet from second round of standing cypress flowers on a different plant.A volunteer Carolina snailseed in the front yard.Will Rogers Zinnias are looking good in the rainbow garden.Briar loves escorting Shackleton for a walk.Shackleton doesn’t know why we have to ruin a good thing by bringing the dog.We were about to go back inside, but she got up and scooted closer. He turned to glare while she got a treat for laying down.Shackleton says no eye contact.Here you can pretend there is no dog, only lush, succulent grass and corn.
The second Coryphantha sulcata seedling seems to have died, but the original is getting longer.Another two spotted bumblebee (Bombus bimaculatus) visited the mealy blue sage today!There was only one but I took a lot of angles. You can see the two spots if you zoom in.In flight you get the best view of spots.I liked the pollinating wasp zooming through in this picture.Baby mantis!I believe this is a baby red yucca, as that’s what I planted here, and it seems too sturdy to be grass.A big ol mydas fly in the backyard!!The native clematis likes its new sunnier spot about 20 ft to the west. It already has two or three new leaves!I weeded the strawberry/honey berry bed but got called in for dinner when there was still a patch left. Maybe tomorrow.I found a second pale zig zaggy spider in the backyard. Looking at it closer, I think it’s the wrong pattern and shape for Argiope aurantica, the usual banana spider.Filling up the bird bath intrigued the dog.African blue basil has flowers!One of the many marigolds in the raised beds (we mixed the old seedheads and plants in over the winter) is beginning to flower!The corn is going to town! A vaquero bean is flowering!A fine little bell pepper!!Cooling off after gardening with the mysterious Paper Protozoan. Note the hairy flagellum sticking out.
Butterfly milkweed has finally opened!Stubby okra seedlingHaving walking onions as a garnish is an easy way to get a meal bloggable.All dished up.Glass gem popcorn seems very happy!
Normally we let both dogs settle their own spots, but Gracie needs space with her arthritis now.WedgeRoom for old bonesHELLOPlz hello GracieBriar eventually got comfy.But she still kept wanting to see Gracie.Gracie says haha I’m safe!!Wow! The popcorn came up while I was gone!!Potatoes in the straw bales are up!!Mom documented my plant site choosing.Here goes some annual groundsel and a cute little Euphorbia!Mom did most of the digging to save my arthritis, for which I am very grateful. She let me do this one though. Thanks to Mom and Dad and Gracie for a great staycation-vacation!!!!