A second cantaloupe and more sad caterpillars/happy wasps

Second Madhu Ras melon and there are more on the vine!!
The “cleaner” side of one caterpillar.
The more parasitized side of the caterpillar.
Now two angles on a second cat.
Note that the pupae have opened, because of the little can lid looking parts.
Last night I sprinkled some more basil behind the cherries on the ground and also in the planter.
This saguaro cactus was given to me and had been over watered, so it’s got some rot on top and near bottom. Hopefully it will recover now that I’ve put it in hot sun and just watered it once after transplanted. It should rarely get rain on it on the porch.

Saturday stuff

I froze tiny tomatoes last night and they left funny holes.
Two Bombus impatiens (common eastern bumblebee).
Trimmed out the dead spots in the middle rosemary. I’m not sure why it’s upset.
Paula very wisely suggested trimming the Salvia greggii so we can better access the veggies, plus it’ll make them bloom more again.
As an experiment, we also trimmed back one of the Salvia farinacea (mealy blue sage) which are all getting very leggy.

Caught in the act

Clematis terniflora flower
It turns out the mystery vine on the trellis is Clematis terniflora which is invasive and non-native. Gotta go!! That’s valuable bean trellis.
The Chef preparing okra for frying.
Okra plus breading for frying.
Dog and cat look at dinner of okra, meatloaf, and french fries.
Briar and Gram were very intrigued by the smells of dinner.

Assorted stuff

Three hours to harvest and sort all this.
First canning tomato variety fruit. I can’t remember which one, I need to look at spreadsheet. The marker is buried in dirt. Update: is Amish Paste tomato.
Grass seeds did not wash away in rain. Whew.
Intruder alert!!
Possibly the frass of the offending hornworm???
Loofah gourd flower disintegrated in rain.
A jewel of rain on succulent.

Potatoes and a butterfly

Emptied two potato growing bags and found four potatoes (fine, but not worth picturing) and a toad. Sorry for disturbing you, Toad. I stopped moving bags since it was afternoon and hot on Saturday. I will do more later in an evening for Toad movement safety.
This black widow spider was more productive than my potatoes with six round egg sacs generated vs my four potatoes. I put this bag back.
A butterfly on butterfly milkweed. (Pearl Crescent).