A second cantaloupe and more sad caterpillars/happy wasps
Second Madhu Ras melon and there are more on the vine!!The “cleaner” side of one caterpillar.The more parasitized side of the caterpillar.Now two angles on a second cat.Note that the pupae have opened, because of the little can lid looking parts.Last night I sprinkled some more basil behind the cherries on the ground and also in the planter.This saguaro cactus was given to me and had been over watered, so it’s got some rot on top and near bottom. Hopefully it will recover now that I’ve put it in hot sun and just watered it once after transplanted. It should rarely get rain on it on the porch.
7 Replies to “A second cantaloupe and more sad caterpillars/happy wasps”
Beautiful melon! I hope your cactus makes it. Great set photos on the cat!
Beautiful melon! I hope your cactus makes it. Great set photos on the cat!
Melon looks good. Wonder where friend got cactus. Saguaros are protected.
I believe seeds are legal to grow. I’ll look into it, thank you!
Yes even park service has a thing about how to grow from seed: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.nps.gov/sagu/planyourvisit/upload/How%2520to%2520Grow%2520a%2520Saguaro.pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwiyt-7x647zAhUKSjABHauGCdYQFnoECAkQAg&usg=AOvVaw1U-sSFbKBaB-WRFjqhxB8o it’s disturbing the already growing ones in wild that is illegal without permits.
Might be fun to try some seed
I will send you some when I send tomatillos then 👍👍
Cool. I only want 2-3 seeds.