Harvesting and trimming

Blue lake green beans, lots of tomatoes, and some tomatillos! This variety (verde) is actually maturing mid summer. Last year, Rio Grande Verde variety all waited til end of summer.
A single pod of runner bean. They have lots of flowers though!
A baby cushaw squash! Supposed to be resistant to squash vine borers and indeed the plant has yet been untouched.

Yellow iris

Judy it turns out you did give me multiple iris colors. This beautiful pale yellow one is just blooming now in mid summer!!
The irises are at the front of the side yard.

Moving day

The two black swallowtail cats I moved to parsley from my carrots seem to be settling in after an hour.
So I moved the third. Here it is very angry still on carrots. Its orange “horns” are defense with a foul smelling liquid. Smelled sort of like a rotten orange to me but I have a bad sense of smell.

Some beans

Left to right: vaquero, mbombo bush (disappointed at color, the original packet beans were like jade), and greasy grits pole beans.

Getting there on post-geothermal landscaping and other Wednesday news

You can see where I plan to put Peruvian ground cherries (the tomato cages) and honeyberries (white flags) on the last raised bed in the side yard. Those four plants were dug up when the geothermal HVAC was put in.
Ready to be planted! The buckwheat seeds I planted around them. I’ll take another pic in a day or two as it got too dark by the time I got done planting and watering them.
Earlier in the day I noticed the bisbee gray cowpeas are producing nicely in backyard.
One lone seedling of a Texas mallow is coming up!
A native cucurbit with a very tiny gourd. Not edible or at least not good according to various sources. But it’s an adorable vine and quite pretty when a bunch grows in one spot.