05/19/2023 pretty flowers, mystery solved, and babies

The first of our Ohio Spiderworts from prairie moon to bloom! (That’s a dayflower leaf under it in case that’s confusing.)

05/06/2023 lots growing and blooming

First tepary bean up along trellis!
Right in the middle of this picture is the brown coating of a green milkweed being pushed up as it takes root!
This is also probably a green milkweed, and it has two tiny adult leaves starting to push out between the seed leaves!
These seedlings are in the same pot so I think they are also green milkweeds.
Briar finds examination of seedlings boring but at least we are outside.
I’m not sure why but my hopeful globemallow suddenly died.
Here is a small seedling in the globemallow container. Maybe it is one? There are a lot of Euphorbias popping up too.
The prairie parsley is blooming! I saw a potter wasp on it but didn’t get a picture as I was distracted by a baby cottontail bunny running away!
I planted two species in this pot – small native Hypericum and an unknown pod with tiny seeds inside from a dappled light post oak/blackjack oak forest. Maybe agalinis? It bears watching.
The Venus looking-glass is blooming in the rock garden!
Another plant with narrower toothed leaves, milky sap, hairs on the veins, and square stems is growing with the Venus looking glass. Not sure what it will turn out to be! Edit 05/2023: another type of Venus looking glass!

05/17/2022 I meant to plant more beans but I got distracted looking around

A new kind of plant in the plant window.
Widow sedum in full bloom with a background of Englemann daisies.
A second baby two leaf senna is coming up in a container!! This one is in yard soil instead of potting soil. Very excited.
Briar lounges on the buffalo grass with the widow sedums to her left and Englemann daisies behind her.
Going through the house to go see front yard, I glimpse the new plant. Hi Shacks!
Rainbow garden orange is considering blooming (butterfly milkweed).
Fluttermill Missouri primrose is living up to its name with new seedpods produced!
A Venus looking glass volunteered in the strawberry bed! I love these. Apparently they’re annuals.
This tiny native cucurbit vine appears every year and I adore it.