Almost caught up?

The buffalograss in spots with more dirt and grass trimmings over it is sprouting!
I pulled up a single sprout from here and it had the seed hull attached, so definitely the right plant.
Peruvian ground cherries!!
White currant tomatoes on nachos last night.
Salsa verde enchiladas intrigue Gram.
“ew, loud smell” he didn’t like them but we did!!

Thursday (yesterday)

Mom sent us seeds and Gracie hair from home!!
Gram wants to know what it’s about.
Briar focus on family smells again. Gram prefers dog ear.
Dog pleased. Cat interested in dog interest, would like dog food to be served though.
A geometrid moth sitting on passionvine leaf.
Left to right: New Kuroda, little finger, and Uzbek golden carrots. I picked the tiny one too early but it had a good taste.
Paula took her plants home so I decided to see if the basil from the plant window prefers this spot where her houseplants were so happy.

A week ago Saturday

Very excited to have a Gulf Fritillary in the yard!
I hope it found the passionvine in the back yard.
Made more salsa verde.
The Chef helpfully cans.
Ruff day gardening, need a nap.
Mail call!! Fall/winter peas, trying new ones.
A wildflower and an herb.
Trying again on parsnip this year with fresh seeds.

Winter indoor gardening ideas.

Some beans

Left to right: vaquero, mbombo bush (disappointed at color, the original packet beans were like jade), and greasy grits pole beans.

A day without rain??

Dill seeds are developing.
A lightning bug rests on carrot leaves.
This pillbug (rolly polley) looks very fresh, perhaps it just molted? It’s on a dayflower.
The prairie is very lush and some of the tepary beans are sure climbing tall!
Beautiful fungi on woodpile.
Dog says things are okay!

After work, garden times

Plant instructions said to let them readjust to the world before planting, so they are outside in indirect light to start.
Cilantro turning to coriander (the seed).
White currant tomato seeds saved from last year grew true to variety!!
Garlic harvest was very sparse. I guess the big February deep freeze got more than I thought.
Moon and stars watermelon leaf has such adorable “stars”! I can’t wait for the fruit.
Added more cardboard to my backyard Bermuda grass killing operation. Thank you Dad for this excellent giant cardboard!!
One area of Bermuda grass in the backyard seemed dead enough to reseed with buffalograss and curly mesquite grass.
A beautiful very smooth gray moth.
Maybe an Arctiid? I need to look it up.
My finger for scale.

Some seeds in the ground for my rainbow!

Also got mulch back in place over some cardboard. Seeds in ground are two kinds of marigolds (for yellow and orange), red zinnias, purple verbena (unfortunately a non native one that I ordered accidentally but it doesn’t sound awful), and standing cypress (which would bloom next year). I need to start butterfly milkweed (orange) cold stratifying.