More fresh babies

Some in front yard, some in back yard!

Cilantro seeded last fall in herb bed.

I forgot to take a picture of the seedling radishes in the front yard before it got dark. They were ones I planted before the big freeze, on Feb. 5.

Daily field trip continues for veggies and the wildflowers are doing well staying out all night too (n = 1 night).

Field trip for veggies and new home for flowers

It’s warm and sunny in the day and cool but not hard freezes at night. I decided it’s time for plants to see the world!

The evening primroses, Rudbeckia fulgida, and Salvia greggii in their new home. I brought the veggies out for the day but forgot to take a picture before I brought them inside this evening.
Gram is too busy being cozy to worry about the new space opened up in the plant window.