Exciting visitors of many species

A katydid on the pineapple sage!
A mantis on the zinnias in the rainbow garden.
Gracie brought her humans to visit us today!!
Waiting for Gracie to play again.
A very blue bee!!
Front of the blue bee.
Gracie is fun!!! She liked our very exciting frisbee except it was harder to pick up than her usual tennis balls and pine cones.
Gram liked we have the rare side door open to let in a sunny spot!

Sort of a rainbow

‘Diane’ purple Salvia greggii and purple moss verbena (non native, bought it by mistake), mealy blue sage, ‘Fordham giant’ Swiss Chard and lacinato kale for green, marigolds for yellow (but they turned out more orange…), Linnaeus burning embers marigolds for orange, and ‘Will Rogers’ zinnias for red. Needs some work on colors, but not bad for a start!

Wild times on a Friday night

I am extremely excited to report that we have the first baby moon and stars watermelon!!!
Same fruit. The other side is almost half yellow.
A wasp mimic robber fly! Love finding predators in the garden.
Butterfly milkweed in rainbow garden has grown quickly.
Dog and I came back inside. Briar promptly sat by her little brother.
I don’t think he minded, but her settling in seemed to remind him he could go places.
Abandoned for kitty snacks.

Almost caught up?

The buffalograss in spots with more dirt and grass trimmings over it is sprouting!
I pulled up a single sprout from here and it had the seed hull attached, so definitely the right plant.
Peruvian ground cherries!!
White currant tomatoes on nachos last night.
Salsa verde enchiladas intrigue Gram.
“ew, loud smell” he didn’t like them but we did!!