05/05/2023 Lexington WMA quick visit

Bad news, good news

The Penstemon cobea seedling appears to have damping off and so the seedling is falling over and collapsing. Dang it. I’m not sure why since it’s out in the sun and wind and the pot has drainage holes.

Very exciting good news though is that we have a Texas buckeye (Aesculus arguta) seedling!!!!!!!!! We put seeds out in September 2020, kindly provided by Jeanne. The understory forest begins.

Home to excitement

The tiny bluets in front yard are blooming wildly!
I found this rock in the driveway.
A tiny seedling of Penstemon cobea!!!!
Two blue flax seedlings!!
This is a mystery sprout from yesterday in backyard prairie. Looks exciting. Edit 2022/04/03: this is bluestars.