02/10/2024 maybe also Lomatium??

This seed cover looks a lot like the carrot leaf Lomatium and it does seem to be their sprouting time. And I’m pretty sure I seeded some here in backyard concrete blocks. the fuzzy seedlings nearby are Heterotheca subaxillaris (pretty sure) and the little succulents are Sedum pulchellum.
A second suspect, sans seed cover, with two long skinny seed leaves. That wrinkly thing is my gloved finger tip.

09/06/2023 garden after half inch rain!

Three partially opened bright yellow flowers with spiky green foliage and sepals stand in front of tall sprays of delicate white and pink gaura flowers. The gaura and the tall stalks of sunflower with arched green leaves peek above the edge of the roof, visible from this low angle. A sweetgum tree is blurry behind the house with a pale blue sky above.
Last night we had a lovely series of small thunderstorms and got a half an inch of rain in the gauge. This morning I think the flowers looked a little cleaner!! These are Grindelia ciliata in front of gaura and Maximilian sunflowers.
A partially opened yellow camphorweed flower is framed by the spheres of more green buds, including one big blurry one in the foreground. The background is dappled green and pale blue-gray sky.
The smaller yellow flowers are Heterotheca subaxillaris, which I recently learned has the common name of camphorweed. I keep forgetting to smell it.

08/03/2023 Thursday

The last few weeks have been a bit chaotic. Nonetheless, Briar says it’s important to take time to smell the inland sea oats!