Thursday (yesterday)

Mom sent us seeds and Gracie hair from home!!
Gram wants to know what it’s about.
Briar focus on family smells again. Gram prefers dog ear.
Dog pleased. Cat interested in dog interest, would like dog food to be served though.
A geometrid moth sitting on passionvine leaf.
Left to right: New Kuroda, little finger, and Uzbek golden carrots. I picked the tiny one too early but it had a good taste.
Paula took her plants home so I decided to see if the basil from the plant window prefers this spot where her houseplants were so happy.

Green beans and kohlrabi

Leftover hotpot style soup. The Chef also used venison from Paula and chard and kohlrabi leaves in eggrolls. Sauce for eggrolls was South Dakota honey from our esteemed visitor this week!

Afternoon and evening

Argiope spider. We call them banana spiders for the yellow but I think most people call them garden spiders.
Missouri fluttermill primrose in the rock/sedum garden continues to bloom!
Many tomatoes along with kohlrabi.
A caterpillar on cilantro. Maybe a cutworm? It looks familiar…
Uzbek golden carrots! Excited to try them… I harvested a bit early on two. Oops.
Wes made hot pot style soup. It contains chard, kohlrabi stem and leaves, green beans, sweet peppers, onions, and green onions.
A view of the spread. We have a vaccinated guest!!

Saturday pictures

The standing cypress on the left gets just a bit less sun than the towering thriving one on the right.  It’s cracking me up.
Rouge vif d’Etampes squash baby.
Greasy grits pole bean flowers.
First black vernissage tomato ripening!  I love these.  Small enough that they produce a lot, but big enough for canning.
Beetles bumble around and end up pollinating a lot of flowers.
Briar examines the potatoes growing in bags.  The big leaves are rouge vif d’Etampes squash.
Paula’s houseplant is happy.
A beetle out late at night.
Mexican Plum seedling from home is doing well and getting lots of water with our rainy spell.

Dog ideas

Briar needed out early this morning.

Elderberry is so close to blooming.
The very heavy rain yesterday evening knocked off the cactus’ impending fruit.
Culinary sage is sprouting this time (earlier this spring I planted some and only a few came up).
One of my baby cacti.
A different species got covered in cottonwood fluff and dew.
There is moss growing in the planter!!

Almost forgot

Paula’s cactus flower had an earwig in it last night. Maybe it eats the pollen?? The flower itself didn’t seem damaged, unlike the coreopsis flowers.