Abby kindly identified this new sprawling but small plant as green carpetweed (Mollugo verticillata). It reminds me of bedstraw but is not sticky.According to Wikipedia, it is a spreading annual, but has been found in North America for at least 3,000 years. So its status is a bit mysterious as native or invasive. So, for now I think I’ll let it grow and see if it suits this patch of the garden.Two Sachems were resting on dayflower leaves. You can just barely see the back one’s face.Three sharpshooter plant hoppers on a giant ragweed stem at night.
The Chef made no bake lemon curd/ cheesecake layered parfaits with homemade whipped cream, farm share blueberries, and homemade granola for a garden tour.Prepared the night before in the fridge.Perfect for the tropically humid day.A wasp carrying a caterpillarSpittlebugHello TuquThis young man.Two Texas dandelions from home! White specks are elderberry petals.Bee flyPossibly a baby Grindelia leaf??A second Coryphantha sulcata seedling came up!!!!!Lace bug (Tineidae) on giant ragweed leaf.Nobody home……except for this crab spider!My keeled treehoppers have a big family!!Soooo manyyyyyyShackleton and Briar disagree about social distancing.A nice jumping spider.It’s on a houseplant that is outside for the summer.
Blackberry has started blooming.Native currant continues blooming.Probably non native oxalis that was here already.Maybe baby Salvia coccinea by the oak.No idea.Lyre leaf sage has just started blooming.Giant ragweed baby (self seeded from last year’s volunteer).Not sure who this friend is on the other side of dividing fence.Frostweed is coming back.The extra Maximilian sunflower we planted seems to be thriving.A type of Solanaceae, I forget which one, but native. A volunteer.A pokeweed coming up! Always good for the birds.The right half of the clump is goldenrod that was already here. The left half is something non native but I forget what.The fancy something is going to bloom though I guess. I remember it’s not native anyways. So eventually it will probably go.New Clematis is surviving.New from yesterday Cleome (Rocky mountain bee plant) is still alive.Rattlebox from yesterday settling in fine. Wild onions from home in front.I’m becoming convinced this is the New Jersey tea I put out last year. Ironweed leaves around it.Showy evening primroses are starting!Frog fruit I transferred from prairie area to east of the patio appears to have taken root.A seedling that probably got transplanted from home. 🤷🤞🤞I seeded a native lawn mix in this area and I believe this is the buffalo grass.The other item in the mix was blue grama grass; hopefully this is it.The fragrant sumac was starting to wilt again so I gave it some water in a pot to leak out slightly slower.