Schinia gaurae moth (the clouded crimson) caterpillar on false gaura! We counted nine around our 1.75 mi loop. The tall rosettes of the false gaura were nice to see since they look just like my garden one. A Schinia moth I haven’t identified feeding on aster flowers. This bumblebee loved the Salvia azurea. Back of two spotted bumblebee where you can see the spots!Funnel web spider says no pictures, please. A tree cricket hiding on Liatris. The seed pod of a Baptisia. Mom said possibly B. australis var. minorPaula found two big beautiful lynx spider mommas! Wow! This is one guarding its egg sac. A tiny caterpillar on false gaura. The first Solomon’s seal I’ve seen in the wild! We have several in the yard but no idea if they’re volunteers or planted. Probably a buckwheat, the botany consulting committee says. Abby, Mom, and Jeanne also agreed this was probably a dwarf lead plant. Paula found a magnificent sumac leaf turning yellow to red. The Sumac is really turning beautiful reds all over!
Our first Salvia azurea of the season blooming!The first of many Helianthus annuus this morning.A lone Maximilian sunflower starting to bloom. The rest don’t even have buds.Snow on the mountain was magnificent today!We went on a new part of the trail today and encountered some highly concerning Art.“It has a lot of eyes Mom”The little mosaic seats are also suspect.“Why do you humans keep doing things to me”“Ok I guess it’s ok”We also came to terms with the big Art.Possibly Amorpha, false-indigo.Soapberry! Thanks Abby for the identification.Another H. Annuus.A beautiful Grindelia bud.More sunflower (H annuus)A differential grasshopper snacking on the sunflower.We found a magnificent patch of silver leaf nightshade!We had Briar pose among the silver leaf nightshades.Possibly a Physalis?Maybe non-blooming camphorweed?Possibly Asclepias verticillata (thanks Mom!)An aster starting to bloom!Unknown flower that hasn’t bloomed yet.Possibly Cardiospermum, balloon vine? From reading, it seems to be native but disliked for clogging farm equipment.The balloon vine flower.Ruby Grant park considerately has a dog level water fountain at the parking lot!