The melting report

To be followed by survival report!

Garlic under the snow from Thursday.
Front nook from Thursday. Dog for scale.
Front nook on Friday. Dog scale not cooperating.
Melting progress in front nook as of Friday night. Dog cooperated this time.
Front nook early afternoon Saturday.
Plant window and herb garden from Friday. The Norman official temperature made it to 32°F.
Plant window and herb bed as of early afternoon Saturday.
Backyard cactus planter, cilantro, and strawberries/saffron bed coverings on Friday.
Not related to melting, there were two crows eating suet mix on Friday.
Front yard raised beds beginning to be exposed again on early afternoon Saturday.

Insulation for -12°F forecast overnight

That’s -24° Canadian.  Regular Winnipeg weather!

The Peruvian ground cherry I had been nursing along with towels and tubs and a hot water bottle every night succumbed to freezing last night (it was 3°F outside this morning around 7:30am). I have lots of babies in the plant window though.

Strawberries and oregano are under the tubs. There is some sedum along one wall and those poor little standing cypress along the back wall.
Foil and tissue under the regular foam cover, which is now covered by newspaper and cardboard, with a gallon jug of hot water sitting at the base.  We’ll change out for new water before bed.

Data visualization for garden borders

Figure 1. Length of each side of the mulched area in front yard as a bar graph. X axis represents side of garden east, north, west, and south. Y axis is exactly the length of garden edges.

The household welder/chef has begun the process of edging the garden perimeter (Figure 1).