Showy evening primroses

They look very showy in the morning here too! 😂
They also make a good background for the coreopsis. The big green mound of leaves in the back is the Maximilian sunflower. A Gaillardia flower is peeking up at the base of the photo and to the right of the sunflower plant are some blue bachelor’s buttons (also known as cornflower).

How can things grow this much in a week?  Front yard edition


Rouge Vif d’Etampes squash seedling.
The Brunswick cabbage apparently had enough and has gone straight to flowering.
Dutch corn salad greens have bolted too.
I got wild after seeing soil temperature is above 60°F and planted some beans and all the basil.
Sedums are blooming! Thanks for these, Judy!
I found surprise kale seedlings (two, the second is not pictured). I believe they are Russian red but I had thought they all got eaten so there’s no label anymore.
Perennial coreopsis are big and just starting to bloom!
Black coat runner bean making good progress at the base of a crepe myrtle.
Mealy blue sage about to bloom.
So many strawberries and there’s still more flowers!
Sugar peas are blooming.

Rainy day updates

The coreopsis is going to be spectacular here and in front yard once these numerous buds bloom!
Three colors of iris are now blooming.
A close up of the newest color, a very nice red-purple.

Mystery consumption of coreopsis seedlings

I left the glass jar off the backyard newly transplanted seedlings last night and those two were gone. Genius move there. HOWEVER, in the front yard I also checked on the two new seedlings there. One was fine, the other was GONE and it was under a glass jar too. Earwig? Rolley-polley? We may never know. Paula has kindly and generously agreed to re-donate back one of the many I gave to her as her mortality rate is currently substantially lower. Like all of them are living. Thank you, Paula, for subsidizing my sink population.

Melting almost complete

I don’t think it froze overnight so the streets are mostly dry except for water flowing along edges.  Shady spots and snow piles are less melted.

The front nook, dog for scale.
The front yard beds, distracted dog for scale.
It looks like everything in the rock garden survived!  Also more of the irises by the mailbox survived, so I guess only some leaves got damaged.
Since we’re back to usual late winter temperature I went ahead and brought out the coreopsis seedlings which I had cold stratified in the fridge. They have been waiting as little seedlings on a damp paper towel for probably a week or more. They are under the glass jars. They are to replace two seedlings I planted last fall that didn’t make it. This row is back to five evenly spaced plants now assuming everything survives.