“Traditional” gardening with native plants

I recently got a question about people who were interested in planting native plants but didn’t want a meadow. I searched around online for some nice examples of how you can still do design ideas and structure while using native plants.

  • This historic garden is in Delaware but has great examples of a very formal garden using all native plants for their region:.
  • Grow Native has some likely more feasible for most of us “formal” garden plans for sun and shade showing how you can use native plants in a non meadow yard setting.
  • Another far afield garden but good formal design pics from Chicago.

At our house I have beds with metal edging and rock borders in the front yard, and the meadow/woodland edge/prairie is in the back yard. I would love to see any links y’all have to structured gardens using native plants!

05/06/2022 emergency strawberry eating party

Fruit processing is a social endeavor among vaccinated friends.
The Chef’s magic strawberry sauce recipe… Strawberries and powdered sugar!
The angel food cake meringue.
Angel food cake must be cooled upside down for fluffiness.
Since they’re tiny angel food cakes I call them cherub cakes.
The Chef made everything look pretty.
Dog awaits her guests. She likes guests.
Paula had the excellent idea to use our garden cart stools as more seating. Farm to table eating!


Home from doggie daycare.
I need to look this one up again but we have a lot. It’s native. It’s Solanaceae. Edit: Mom says Solanum ptycanthum.
Yellow flax (Linum rigidum) and showy evening primrose.
The sadly too common Canis bordum
A winecup seedling!!
More winecup seedlings!!
A few leaves have stayed green on the fragrant sumac. I’ve been using the terracotta pot to dribble out more water to it.
Desert blue curls!! (Phacelia campanularia). I was really baffled about the little purple spotted seedlings but this is it. Yay!!
Cactus planter prickly pears doing well.
Asian long bean from my aunt are growing well.
Knock on not-rotting wood, the Roman chamomile hasn’t been eaten by earwigs unlike the last batch.
Pink buckwheat blooming.
Mom, is this the Liatris from home? (Also some pretty Dicanthelium grass)
Widow sedum about to bloom!

05/03/2022 morning primroses

By the front door and garage.
Close up!
In the rock garden!
A baby Missouri fluttermill primrose.
The other two babies. Only three came up this year, last year the germination rate was higher.
While I was at the plant window, I saw the Ashy Sunflower seedlings are still alive in their humidity chamber!!

Duck pond wildflowers

Blue eyed grass is a native wildflower that I was happy to see sprouting near the duck pond on my walk home today!
A wild fowl!
Storms approaching. (I made it home.)

Strong plants and strong ants

Horsetail just shoves the hard soil out of the way!!
More Stark Surecrop Pie Cherries.
Soaker hose hard at work for the winecups and chamomile.
The hose has a leak so I put the leak over a pot of Maximilian sunflowers.
The Chef spotted ants carrying away this insect. Maybe a soldier fly??
He also spotted this milkweed bug. Hi milkweed bug! All three butterfly milkweeds in the front yard rainbow garden are up, plus the wild milkvines are pushing up everywhere too.