03/19/2023 after hard overnight freeze of 20 F

Kieffer pear leaves look fine.
A lot (or all?) peach flowers look wilted. This is okay, because it is such a young tree I want it to concentrate on growing, not fruiting. it looks like the leaves are coming out okay without wilting.
The agastaches in backyard planter are fine. These just-transplanted ones are less fine, but something has been nibbling on them too (we’ll assume earwigs…). I think the front one made it but it’s hard to tell on the back one because it was mostly chewed up.

03/11/2023 Camassia (wild hyacinth) emergence

Camassia angusta was up a few weeks ago so I was worried about the C. scilloides bulbs we put out, but they are coming up now too!
Another C. scilloides bulb coming up. I am naming it based on its location.
This mystery plant with milky sap was kindly identified by Abby as salsify. It apparently has an edible root so we will contemplate its fate.

03/11/2023 annual violets blooming

I am pleased that not only are the undisturbed violets blooming, but so are the ones I transplanted last month!
The annual Viola bicolors do spread well by seed so I’m hoping they fill in more next year. They certainly are working to take over the raised beds so I’ve been spreading them more places. This is my non-grass groundcover area around the vegetable raised beds.

03/05/2023 more compost business

After moving the new soil to the garden yesterday, Paula wanted to move and layer the newer pile today.
She put layers of leaves between layers of kitchen waste. Now we’re ready for more on the empty side!
We put this compostable takeout fork in at some point and it didn’t compost. Apparently some compostable items require higher heat compost than our “cold” method.