05/12/2024 infrastructure

We got more rain overnight and I needed to smooth out the disturbed soil near the house foundation where we recently got piers. While I had the hoe out, I scraped out some little drainage ditches to pull some water away from the porch.

I feel pretty good about it! We shall see how the soil continues to settle. I sprinkled lyre leaf sage seeds over the area too.
In different infrastructure, a friend kindly supplied us with more aluminum cans. So I made more plant protectors. One I put over an existing scarlet pea (it looks like its tip had been eaten off) and the other I put over the other remaining yellow puff which I planted for the occasion.

2 Replies to “05/12/2024 infrastructure”

  1. Cans are good idea. Bet they work. I used to use cardboard so didn’t have to remove. Bet cans are better.

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