8 Replies to “08/24/2022 giant squash time and other things”

      1. Yes, you did. I had forgotten that because I didn’t plant squash in the spring. The borers beat me down too much last year. I just planted some regular and gray zucchini and have covered the seedling plants with mesh picnic tents. I’m leaving those on until the plants either outgrow the tent or start to flower. Do you think it’s too late to plant one or two of the cushaw seeds to get some small fruits before it gets too cold? Or do you have to let them get huge?

        1. That’s a good question. I don’t know if it’s ripe before the rind gets hard. It’s a winter storage type squash like a pumpkin or butternut or Hubbard, so maybe if you look up if you can eat those early?

          1. The answer is…no, winter squashes must be allowed to mature fully with hardened rind. They must be planted in spring so they have time to mature. So, next year!

  1. How’re you liking okra now? Don’t think I’ve ever grown a squash that huge. Let us know how good it is.

    1. It’s alright, I’d say. We certainly haven’t. It’s like a pumpkin in size. We gave it to my coworker. Hopefully she will report on what she makes. There are two more giant ones not ready that we’ll eat.

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