Just a little of this and that in the yard, house, and park.
The Riddell’s Spike-Moss greens up with every rain! We moved into the rock garden where it’s in less danger of being overgrown by other plants constantly and it seems to be doing ok here. I believe this is going to be a Venus looking glass. This one too also hopefully a Venus looking glass. They are annuals so it’s always a little dicey when and where they will reappear. Last year we had two species. We saw Solomon’s seal sprouting at the park!YumTuqu wantsPizza night. Garden food was basil in pesto in the salad dressing.
It looks like Tuqu head is being served😂
I wouldn’t put it past her as a way to sneak on the table 🤣
I hope you have tuqu a plate. Looks like her manners are very good.
Yes the spike moss will definitely prefer the rock garden – that’s where it occurs naturally here. It’s one tough plant!
A lot less nonsense to compete with in the rocks for sure! It’s an adorable little tough plant.