New book in the mail! The Social Wasps of North America by Chris Alice Kratzer. It looks very useful.Awards for bravery all around tonight. Shacks walked right past Briar and she stayed put.Purple coneflower finally opening up!Ironweed is budding, seems early??This is one of two dill seedlings in the herb bed.Pretty sure now that this is the Mexican sage from Judy.Whoa, standing cypress about to bloom!The just-planted two leaf senna doing okay.The older two leaf senna seems to have gotten nibbled. I’ll have to consider if I should put some Vaseline around it against earwigs or a wire cage over it maybe for rabbits.A non native moss rose (Portulaca). Dog behind.
Looks like a neat book!
I’ll have to show you next time we visit!
Cool book. Yes thats mex sage. By the time you get those cats acclimated they will leave. Surprised you have so few dill plants. Good luck.
Yay on sage! I’m sure the cats will be back, they are good travelers. Shackleton especially likes car rides under 40 mph and new smells.