This is Penstemon grandiflorus which allegedly likes sand so hopefully the very dry loose dirt rock garden will keep it happy.Ta da!I checked my other mystery legumes and these have three leaves instead of two. So I don’t know who they are.A second one. There are also 2-3 like this in the backyard prairie. I’ll have to see if I have any candidates on the spreadsheet. Edit: no legumes there, so it must be a volunteer. Maybe the tiny wild bean vine of some sort I saw in backyard prairie last year?When I finished planting the obedient plant roots in the backyard (and there were two in my package!!!) along with the plant sale native flowers, I watered everything. It was getting dark, so instead of plants here is cat friend Shackleton on his leash investigating the Missouri fluttermill primrose bud smells.He loves his leash adventures.
4 Replies to “Bare roots arrived yesterday”
Fluttermill is growing so big! And yeah for Shackleton!
Fluttermill is growing so big! And yeah for Shackleton!
Nice aunt to take kitty for a walk.
It was the Chef but I let him have a look at the watering can.
And by him I mean Shackleton. The Chef can find a watering can to look at whenever, I’m sure. 🤣