Yesterday morning I picked half a dozen sweet corns and Wes buttered them up and roasted them in foil. The front one we threw out because of too few kernels from incomplete pollination.Steak and corn.While taking the husks out to the compost pile, I was relieved to see that my mysteriously dying frostweed is resprouting at the base.Steak, a roll, a baked potato, and corn. Very classic.Everything buttered up extra. It was pretty good but nothing to write home about. First year I picked way too late (hard and rubbery), last year didn’t pollinate, so I’m counting this as a win.After dinner, the Chef found this fine friend on the porch.The stealthy bagworm (a moth caterpillar). So invisible in its natural habitat of Rubbermaid tub lid!Here it was walking so you can see its head.
5 Replies to “Corn on the cob, third time’s the charm?”
Are you glad you have a box of pollinators (bumblebees) now?
Are you glad you have a box of pollinators (bumblebees) now?
Corn is wind pollinated but I was glad anyways 😊
Wow, I’ve never seen a bagworm in motion before. So cool!
I never had either! Seems to be quite the year for them
Ive seen too many bagworms in all stages. They can kill something if too many get on it.