How can things grow this much in a week? Front yard edition
Rouge Vif d’Etampes squash seedling.The Brunswick cabbage apparently had enough and has gone straight to flowering.Dutch corn salad greens have bolted too.I got wild after seeing soil temperature is above 60°F and planted some beans and all the basil.Sedums are blooming! Thanks for these, Judy!I found surprise kale seedlings (two, the second is not pictured). I believe they are Russian red but I had thought they all got eaten so there’s no label anymore.Perennial coreopsis are big and just starting to bloom!Black coat runner bean making good progress at the base of a crepe myrtle.Mealy blue sage about to bloom.So many strawberries and there’s still more flowers!Sugar peas are blooming.
5 Replies to “How can things grow this much in a week? Front yard edition”
Do you have problems there with squash stem borers? If so how do you address them?
Yes, and last year I just gave up. This year I am growing a resistant variety the green striped cushaw squash. If they get into these other varieties I’ll probably give up again?? Not very helpful 😂
This year I’m going to try starting a few squash seedlings every 3-4 weeks and, as older vines die from the borers, put the seedlings in the ground. I plan to keep up this staggering until the end of August unless I can see that it’s pointless sooner. If you’ve already tried this, please let me know.
Do you have problems there with squash stem borers? If so how do you address them?
Yes, and last year I just gave up. This year I am growing a resistant variety the green striped cushaw squash. If they get into these other varieties I’ll probably give up again?? Not very helpful 😂
Sure pretty pictures!
This year I’m going to try starting a few squash seedlings every 3-4 weeks and, as older vines die from the borers, put the seedlings in the ground. I plan to keep up this staggering until the end of August unless I can see that it’s pointless sooner. If you’ve already tried this, please let me know.
I have not tried it. Please let me know how it works!!