I started this blog post before I realized there was no garden produce in dinner, so here we go anyways.
Continue reading “03/23/2024 farm share only”10/24/2022 greens survived one night

Invasive and non native cabbage white butterflies

Afternoon harvest and repotting

Holiday Sunday

How can things grow this much in a week? Front yard edition

Another night, another earwig
I put petroleum jelly around the bases of the four test plants. I took pictures of two. I also covered the Brunswick cabbage again with a jar since it got eaten a lot last night when uncovered.

Quick checkup before work

No more diatomaceous earth, now for oil traps
I talked with a nice county extension agent today who said anything soft-bodied could be hurt by diatomaceous earth (DE) including toads, though being large and hopping they’ll be less so than a slug or earwig. But, I love my toads, so no more DE.
She did however suggest oil traps to reduce their population while I work to make the habitat less absurdly full of rotting wood (thanks past Claire for all the mulch).

New babies: cabbage and mizuna