Wild tepary bean has a flower!Mystery seedling. I put a lot out here of many species so it gets to be a surprise unless someone recognizes it. I suspect this is an Illinois bundleflower as I distributed a lot of them. The big leafy seedling looks neat and is accompanied by a spotted euphorbia and maybe a blurry lyre leaf sage?An almost metallic little moth on the goldenrod from Abby (probably S. canadensis). Mom saw a similar one recently at home on frostweed.Possibly a Ceratina bee on the mistflowers.
3 Replies to “09/24/2022 seedlings and fall flowers”
Was the Ceratina bee in your new book?
INaturalist identified this one and the bee professor had told me for another one. So I assume it is but I haven’t checked
Seedlings are so exciting! Such promise!