Shacks needed outside in the sun. please humans!!! (he was right, it’s super nice out.)
Continue reading “03/17/2024 perfect sunshine”Williams’ Pride Apples harvest year 2
Last summer we waited too long to harvest our first Williams’ pride apple. This year as soon as they started turning red, I went reading to figure out when they ripen. We have been looking to see the background color go from green to yellow, and several sites said the apple should easily fall off the tree with a tug. This has been working well! I think at first we were tugging too gently as one apple was still rotting on the tree but all the rest have been good since.

04/03/2023 fruit trees before we left

07/22/2022 our first and only apple

07/10/2022 purple

06/05/2022 bird nest

Down to one apple


Apple tree blooming