We lifted and sorted through our two straw bales of potatoes since the leaves were all eaten off by blister beetles. Upon moving the bales, we found eight bess beetles…One fast isopod…A second fast isopod…Three baby house mice…And one click beetle. This brings us to a total of 14 photographed animals plus a whole nest of ants and a small earwig that got away.Compare this to our glorious harvest: ten potatoes from two bales. Paula is researching where we went wrong. I feel like maybe we should just go back to growing them in soil. (These experiments were my idea so I’m not blaming anyone else.). At least this year’s harvest is safer than last year’s crop of black widow spiders??
Glass gem popcorn in all its glorious colors!One cob down, two to go.Paula just used her hands to remove the kernels.The kernels are such a beautiful mix of colors!Three ears of popcorn made 147 g of dried kernels. We let the ears dry on the stalk and then have been keeping them in the hot dry shade on the porch.About half of the kernels Paula tried did pop. According to this extension service article we found, this means they’re probably still too moist. More should pop and be fluffier too once they dry more. However, we’re still quite pleased!
The ashy sunflower humid tupperware had those two new seedlings. Last time I transferred out into soil, they shriveled within a few days.So, this time I’m making them a little greenhouse to get adjusted.This pot actually has two: one seedling and one I found sprouted with a root but the cotelydons (seed leaves) weren’t out yet from the seed husk.The upside down lunch meat container doesn’t quite seal over them, so I put damp paper towels as a sort of barrier. We’ll see if it works!Accidentally knocked off some flowers of showy evening primrose by the sidewalk when going back and forth to get pots and soil.
The winecup sprouts are now in assorted soils. A few in a big pot, lots in sprouting pots. The rightmost pot is one of the purple and pink perennial pots.Lots of winecup seeds and sprouts to hopefully become ground cover where the soaker hose is!While I had the potting soil out, I also repotted the Missouri fluttermill primrose seedlings. There are three total – one kept wilting, so I figured they needed more soil to have a stable moisture level.
The Tupperware experiment Ashy Sunflowers have a few more sprouts as of 04/26. I need to move them more carefully as the last two I tried to plant promptly shriveled up and died.Texas mallow coming up!The other individual of Texas mallow coming up!Now on 04/28, an Ashy Sunflower actually sprouting from seed! I believe this was one that got stratified.04/28 rock garden is looking good.Penstemon grandiflorus from prairiemoon.com as bare root seems to be growing!The Astragalus (ground plum) not looking as good again.Finishing up the 04/28 pics, the culinary sage is blooming in the rainbow garden!
A wild perennial violet was growing in the mulch in the front yard near where we’re going to fill soil in, so I dug and divided it. I put some in a pot along with mistflower, that tiny berried nightshade I can’t remember, and a showy evening primrose. Let’s see if they can do okay together in a pot! The purple and pink perennial pot!
Viola bicolor going to seed!There’s a lot of it growing this year. I have taken some of the seeds and sprinkled over on the new filled in soil as I don’t want to bury their next generation. Native Bluets going to seed!Mystery plant in raised bed. Tree of heaven (invasive non native) has been suggested.Mostly got this leak taken care of with new rubber seals and Teflon tape. There’s still a tiny drip, but I’ll just call it watering the strawberries. Before, it was a consistent trickle.Extremely bored helper.Four varieties of strawberry. First harvest of the season.Culinary sage in rainbow garden is about to bloom!Potato straw bales are growing!!Blue flax babies where I’m pointing, as well as larger ones near front of picture. The broad leafed plant to the right is mealy blue sage.
Moving some things out of plant window to outside, I found two ashy sunflower seedlings in the experimental warm humid container! I have planted them in potting soil now. I will keep them inside for now as I imagine they will need a careful hardening off.
Mesonet says 2.03″ rain today for Norman.Paula and I took 15 min or so to try to drain some of the water off the low patio area. Hopefully this will also absorb slowly into yard. Briar moved in this picture but she spent several minutes staring at us like we were nuts. Why not either go play or go back inside? Why stand and get wet toes??I discovered a tiny bluet in the transplanted prairie parsley!