Pre vacation plant check (Tuesday)

Two Datura wrightii! They have thinner, slightly grayer leaves than the unknown seedlings also coming up in many containers.
Several interesting seedlings in the lowest tier of the cactus planter.
The peach flower buds opened!
Gram did a lot of work helping me pack. He and the Chef are staying home.
Briar hits the road!

Growth ideas

I think this is Carolina Snailseed, one of the volunteers that was here already.
This legume is under the yaupon Holly by the dining room window. I think it could be either a partridge pea or an Illinois bundleflower.

The red speckled seedlings are taking shape. I browsed through’s catalog and the leaf shape suggests it might be my prairie verbena!! I really hope so. Their pictures don’t show the red speckles, but we’ll see as they grow.
A smaller one. You can see the anise hyssop (Agastache sp) to the left and below; they have spade shaped cotyledons.
Near the Liatris I transplanted from home, there are two mystery plants. I’m thinking potentially fleabane or puccoon??
The second one of same thing.
The mystery sprouts do appear to be my bluestars. Abby mentioned they have milky sap.

Signs of life

Cat greets morning sun, waiting for his Doggie to return inside.
Lemon balm herb reemerging.
Mystery seedlings in the prickly pear planter. EDIT: These are baby anise hyssop (Agastache)!! Compare the seedlings on the website.
A speckled mystery seedling in the prickly pear planter.
Another mystery.
Tiny mystery.
Probably mare’s tail seedlings?
Probably white avens seedling?
In the cactus planter, this Escobaria missouriensis and its smaller sibling are doing well.
I think this is a winecup rosette. Hurrah! Don’t know why it didn’t bloom last year, but I’m glad one survived from two falls ago.
Whitlow-wort transplant is going to seed. May it come back next year!

Dwarf tomatoes update

The dwarf Audrey’s Love tomato is doing great.  Half a dozen green fruits growing, very few spider mites, new shoots at the base.  The dwarf Bendigo Dawn tomato was shriveling up, barely flowering (even after adding bone meal to both varieties), and infested with spider mites.  We decided to remove the one doing poorly; we trimmed and caged the happy one so it has more support.  We also spritzed it thoroughly with neem oil for the mites.

Indoor repotting

We got almost an inch of sleet today.
Briar’s toes provide excellent grip.
Squirrel tree in our neighborhood.
This evening we repotted baby tomatoes and peppers. Mid last week I forgot some other repotted tomatoes outside and they froze. So those three varieties are being germinated again. But meanwhile these babies needed new pots.
One dwarf tomato is thriving and fruiting; the other is drying up and has spider mites. Paula bought a basil and is keeping it alive. The indoor peppers have a good head start for spring but I doubt will fully fruit by then.

Field trip for indoor plants and tomato gets a new cage

Roman chamomile and Peruvian ground cherry soak up sun and water.
Left dwarf tomato is Audrey’s Love that has right. Right dwarf tomato is Bendigo Dawn which has flowers but no fruit. Paula suggested we add bone meal so we did.
We also added a bigger cage for climbing for the Bendigo Dawn tomato.
Lettuce, peppers, bok choy, and jagallo nero kale.

Indoor baby tomatoes!!!!!!

I found two baby tomatoes on the dwarf Audrey’s Love Tomato!!! The dwarf Bendigo is very tall and has some flowers, but no fruit yet. I have been just brushing the flowers with my fingers and shaking the plant a bit for pollination.