05/27/2023 front yard

The rainbow garden is almost there.
The winecups have gotten MASSIVE. I have never seen such mammoth winecup leaves in the wild.
A typical winecup with regular sized leaves. We saw this one today on our afternoon walk, at Saxon Park.
A view panning over to see the Salvia greggii and coreopsis too. All the white flowers in the raised beds are cilantro. If you’ve been looking at our iNaturalist feed, the cilantro flowers are hopping with insect activity.

04/16/2023 blue life

Perennial blue flax (Linum lewisii) is doing beautifully in its second year!
We thought the mealy blue sage was dead in the rainbow garden as the one by the porch has been up for a while now, but this morning I noticed leaves! It lives! Maybe just less warm and sheltered out here in the side yard?

04/09/2023 spring at home

All photos by Paula as she is the one at home! Thank you Paula!

Perennial blue flax blooming!
A few peach flowers are turning into peaches in spite of the hard frost!
Camassia angusta isn’t ready to bloom.
Last but not least the front yard lyre leaf sage is spreading nicely and has a bloom!