Well I’m always surprised haha.
Continue reading “06/02/2024 surprise!”05/05/2024 giving up
I’m too far behind on photos to put on blog so I’m wiping the slate clean. (I will catch up on the spreadsheet though haha.) you can see how much is happening even today!
Continue reading “05/05/2024 giving up”04/28/2024 a rest day
I mostly puttered today.
Continue reading “04/28/2024 a rest day”03/23/2024 Tetraneuris and betrayal
The two are not related but it would be a great book title, right?
Continue reading “03/23/2024 Tetraneuris and betrayal”03/20/2024 yay Tetraneuris
The mystery bud has gradually resolved into Tetraneuris linearifolia! It’s an annual apparently but I have high hopes it will like the caliche planters and reseed.
Continue reading “03/20/2024 yay Tetraneuris”03/11/2024 annual violet success
Johnny-jump-ups, the annual wild violets, really love the area around and in our raised veggie beds. They were in the lawn before we started doing stuff, but I think the reduced competition in the weeded soil lets them thrive.
I’ve discovered I can transplant them before they flower and have been strategically redistributing them in the ground cover around the beds. It’s working!!
Continue reading “03/11/2024 annual violet success”03/09/2024 Saturday yay
This weekend was beautiful and sunny.
Continue reading “03/09/2024 Saturday yay”02/23/2024 springing
Several classic spring flowers are coming up and a mystery seedling too.
Continue reading “02/23/2024 springing”