We noticed two cacti were unhappy and relocated them. Hopefully it is not too late for them to recover, though one looks dicey.
Continue reading “04/13/2024 cacti and irises”04/14/2024 summer suddenly
It got warm suddenly. We got several new plants at a native plant sale yesterday but only planted one in the dark — it’s too warm and windy. We put the other two in this evening. Hopefully the forecast rain tomorrow night actually happens!
Continue reading “04/14/2024 summer suddenly”04/12/2024 last weekday off
04/11/2024 back in Norman
I’ll post some pictures of species we have in the garden that we saw in the wild. But first, eating dinner with The Chef and Paula. I believe Paula made this meal.
Continue reading “04/11/2024 back in Norman”03/31/2024 sprouts
One new, one transplanted!
Continue reading “03/31/2024 sprouts”03/30/2024 Tharp’s spiderwort!
The dwarf or Tharp’s spiderwort in our yard started blooming and then I got to see their wild cousins blooming at home in Texas!
Continue reading “03/30/2024 Tharp’s spiderwort!”03/29/2024 oxalis volunteers en masse
Native Oxalis volunteers all over our yard but has really created a lovely ground cover in the front yard near the porch. I’ve tentatively identified it as Oxalis stricta.
Continue reading “03/29/2024 oxalis volunteers en masse”03/26/2024 Carolina Anemone
We recently found two patches of Carolina Anemone on unbuilt private land. We got permission from the owners to dig a small amount to spread around town in our yard and others’ yards, as it’s not available commercially.
Continue reading “03/26/2024 Carolina Anemone”03/26/2024 lots of garden
I always forget redbuds are edible!
Continue reading “03/26/2024 lots of garden”03/23/2024 farm share only
I started this blog post before I realized there was no garden produce in dinner, so here we go anyways.
Continue reading “03/23/2024 farm share only”