Oxalis violaceaCarrot leaf Lomatium now doneHot dog alreadyBaptisia bracteataBriar on a hillPrairie parsley bloomingSalvia azurea leavesEchinacea leavesMystery leavesOxalis violacea lives in sunnier spots than I expected!Arnoglossum species budsArnoglossum farther alongI think butterfly milkweedCalylophus primrosePenstemon cobea budsBriar enjoyed a big mud puddle then ran right towards us dripping wet.
5 Replies to “05/05/2023 Lexington WMA quick visit”
Briar just sharing 😂 because it feels so good!
Mystery leaves could belong to leadplant Amorpha canescens or goat’s rue Tephrosia sp.?
Awesome thank you! We will check it again next time we go!
I’m leaning more towards Tephrosia virginiana. Could be a different species in OK though.
Thank you!!