The finished projects from yesterday plus seeds today
Four t posts. Wires go east to west on both, holding in the blackberry canes so we can walk through and harvest. There was one new sprout in the middle that grew up and we moved it into a line with another.Close up so you can see aluminum wire.We finished the compost pile area yesterday but I forgot to take a picture. Wes did a lovely job leveling it all and put rebar through several holes to keep it in place.I connected an old hose from one of the rain barrels to make sure the pile stays suitably damp for decomposition.See that big seedling on the lower right edge? I don’t recognize it, so there is a possibility it’s the native bush honeysuckle Lonicera albiflora which is what I planted in this pot and left out all winter.A pale but bright turquoise fungus growing on the showy milkweed seeds. The seeds felt plump though so maybe some will grow.Strophostyles helvula bean seeds. One has fungus but also a little root!!All the seeds we planted out of fridge stratification today. There’s still a few more left for late April that needed more time.A little mystery seedling in the old Maximilian sunflower area.Paula and I pulled and dug a lot of Maximilian sunflower shoots out of there. Hopefully we can find them new homes!
3 Replies to “The finished projects from yesterday plus seeds today”
Job well done. Very nice. So many pretty seedlings. Enough to keep you busy for sure. Lucky too that Paula is your friend.
Job well done. Very nice. So many pretty seedlings. Enough to keep you busy for sure. Lucky too that Paula is your friend.
You got a lot work done with your crew!
Mystery plants – exciting! Fingers crossed for white bush honeysuckle!