Last night new helper friend!! And other things yesterday
A fine Toad hanging out in the raised beds! Eat those earwigs please!! (May already be doing so as I have not seen many lately.)Tomatillos Verdes doing well, I think I have enough now to make salsa verde enough to can.Took garden cucumber to work today for a snack with ranch dressing.Not entirely sure but I think a Bombus impatiens bumblebee on a loofah gourd flower. There were at least two of these bumbles around.Helper!
4 Replies to “Last night new helper friend!! And other things yesterday”
Go bumblebees! Did you find out what the ones in your nest box are?
Go bumblebees! Did you find out what the ones in your nest box are?
Yes a local expert confirmed Bombus pennsylvanicus!
I dont think you could garden without briar. Tho the toad surely helps too
Truly. Invaluable friends the both.