A baby frog, probably a gray treefrog? It hopped from a pot to a carrot leaf. So small. This was my big surprise last night.First moss rose flower of the season.Today’s surprise is the tall mystery plant has finally bloomed!It turned out to be a four-point primrose!! I remember having seeds from Mom and planting them, but I don’t remember planting them in this particular spot. 🤣🤷
3 Replies to “I love days like this”
Wonderful surprises! Maybe your frogs are eating your earwigs 😊 love that primrose! I got American Germander coming up by the garden pond. I certainly didn’t plant it. 😂
Wonderful surprises! Maybe your frogs are eating your earwigs 😊 love that primrose! I got American Germander coming up by the garden pond. I certainly didn’t plant it. 😂
Plant surprise sure are funny 🤷🤓
I never see any frogs except toads. Thats so cool.