Paula tried one of our Purple Beauty Peppers and found it to be not very sweet, more green bell pepper taste still, and after looking online I think I picked them too early. Needs to be fully, deeply purple. I was worried about sunscald though (see the big tan area on the top one). They’ll still be good to use though.The William’s Pride apple continues to get a flush of red. It’s hot out, me too!I thought this grasshopper was really pretty. Not sure I’ve seen one like it before. We have lots of predator insects and birds in the yard so a few grasshoppers are no harm and lots of food for our other wild friends!Zucchini begins.
A fleabane in the front yard.Same fleabane, the leaves. This was in the lawn, so I need to decide if I will transplant or save seeds.An Asian long bean from my aunt. Thanks to my aunt!!Only one of many zucchini seeds has sprouted. I think they were too old. I will get new or save new next year.Large leaf basil seedlings.Purple beauty pepper has a flower bud!Briar thought she was interested in my snack but it turns out broccoli isn’t her thing.The swamp milkweed I just bought, receiving its afternoon sunlight.
Blanching night! The cilantro by the porch kept threatening to flower, and the community supported agriculture farm share bag this week had more summer squash and zucchini than we wanted to deal with.Right now a single cilantro plant has reseeded and it’s in this crack by the front porch. I think since I found this one, there are a few more out in the raised beds, but it’s nothing like last year’s glorious multiple beds. Here it has received a heavy duty haircut. 59 g of cilantro.Two units of cilantro. There was the 59 g from our porch crack plant and a small bundle from the weekly farm share delivery. I squeeze out water from the blanched herb and then put them in these balls. They work fine for salsa verde, though I don’t have any tomatillo plants this year, sigh. Lessons learned about pot drainage.The zucchini and summer squash in the freezer, spread out so they don’t become a solid squash ice rock.