Butterfly milkweed has finally opened!Stubby okra seedlingHaving walking onions as a garnish is an easy way to get a meal bloggable.All dished up.Glass gem popcorn seems very happy!
Walking onions from garden, assorted farm share veggies, with glass noodles and chicken.Pulled a lot more Maximilian sunflower this evening. I put it in a tub with some potting soil to keep until they can go to new homes.I found a baby spittlebug on one sunflower stem! I took it over to the sunflowers we’re keeping so it can keep eating.In the front yard, a few winecup seedlings are coming up in the ground cover orchard area.More baby winecup!I pulled up two more native black walnut seedlings and potted them.Hopefully this one can make it with only half its remaining food. Anyways, this makes a total of four. I have found good homes for most or all of them now. Our lot is too small for another big tree.
Paula cooked us this delicious Thai sour and spicy entree. From the garden ingredients were green tomatoes, walking onions, and cilantro. The dessert in the middle is called bua loy, which is rice flour balls in sweetened coconut milk. A delicious and filling meal!!
Englemann Daisy blooming.Bachelor’s buttons are not native but were in a mix I got and do get some nice little bees.I believe this is greeneyes from seed from Mom.Hedeoma seedling from seed from Paula in western Oklahoma. It’s in the cactus planter. You can also see a baby moss rose and some widow sedum.I think this is going to be an Echineacea, could be either the purple or pale one as I’ve planted seeds of both.Rudbeckia (I think?) leaves are wonderfully soft.Cilantro is blooming beautifully! Future coriander.One parsley is thinking about blooming.Walking onions are so cool.Gaillardia blooming!Sooooo many evening primroses! Last week only a few were open!This mound of Oxalis was here when we moved in and it just gets showier all the time.