A Fiery Skipper on lantana on campus.A native fleabane in the front yard.Another Fiery Skipper on the verbena at home. I need to replace this non native moss verbena with prairie verbena but I can’t get it to germinate. 😡A paper wasp on mealy blue sage. It looks weirdly purple here.Using my new copy of the social wasps book, I narrowed this down to Polistes fuscatus or Polistes bellicosus, based on not much black on legs, black tipped antennae, and the yellow ring around the abdomen.The Hedeoma is flowering!
Strawberries! Just a few left. They peaked back a while ago.Lemon balm is blooming.This salad contains garden radishes and garden lettuce.Butterfly milkweed in backyard.Verbena halei is leaning under the ironweed.The yellow in the rainbow garden has stopped blooming but the rock garden primroses are blooming!Standing cypress is looking magnificent after several days of tons of rain.
Sweet basil seedlings.Butterfly milkweed is up in the backyard too but hasn’t flowered yet (same as front yard).Yellow flax still blooming! It’s annual, so I hope the seeds like it enough here.Whitlow-wort gone to seed. Another native annual from TX home.False gaura that I planted from potted last night is doing well.Texas verbena has bloomed! It’s a perennial.The rattlebox had adorable seed pods as promised.The Rocky mountain bee plant from the botany club plant sale is blooming! There were ants at the blooms.The Phacelia is really fun.The prairie bluet is flowering a bit. I’m worried since it’s early that this means it’s not happy. However, it’s a perennial, so hopefully it will do its thing now and be less worried next year.The twice-moved yucca is making new little leaves!This yucca is in the shade which I figure is probably okay at this age. Many plants seem to like to have nurse plants.The baby winecups are starting to get true leaves.Second year for this mystery plant with no blooms.It does have a square stem. Abby suggested Monarda, which I did seed here at one point, so fingers crossed!!Slippery silk beans and several other varieties are up!!The two leaf senna didn’t have a lot of roots when I planted it from a pot last night. So, I put two containers of water so it would gradually keep it damp for now so it can get established. It’s my only sprout from the seed and I love this plant! It’s a host for Cloudless Sulphur butterflies.
Blue flax seedlings are getting tiny new leaves.Possibly a false gaura! It looks different from the common volunteers!Two Datura wrightii seedlings!A senna hopeful.It is actually a bit rough, so maybe this is the rough leaf sunflower??A redbud I potted up last year.The Euphorbia from Mom and Dad’s house is perking back up.Roman chamomile did well while I was gone!Lettuce and bok choy doing good.Two more fluttermill Missouri primrose seedlings up!The horse crippler cactus transplanted from Mom’s garden.I’ve put a drip on the ground plum (actually a legume) since yesterday, as it seems to be having a rough transplant. This is also into the rock garden.In the rainbow garden, a mystery seedling. Maybe two leaf senna???Butterfly milkweed is coming up in rainbow garden.Maybe another butterfly milkweed? It’s in the right place.A single cilantro seedling. The only one in the yard. In that crack.A winecup from two years ago.Purple prairie clover from two years ago.Maybe Liatris leaves? It’s in the right spot.Another mystery seedling.Tall vervain is perking up a bit.Ten petal anemone are perking up too!Greeneyes getting bigger!My blue stars are blooming!Salvia azurea leaves.
I think this is Carolina Snailseed, one of the volunteers that was here already.This legume is under the yaupon Holly by the dining room window. I think it could be either a partridge pea or an Illinois bundleflower.The red speckled seedlings are taking shape. I browsed through seedsource.com’s catalog and the leaf shape suggests it might be my prairie verbena!! I really hope so. Their pictures don’t show the red speckles, but we’ll see as they grow.A smaller one. You can see the anise hyssop (Agastache sp) to the left and below; they have spade shaped cotyledons.Near the Liatris I transplanted from home, there are two mystery plants. I’m thinking potentially fleabane or puccoon??The second one of same thing.The mystery sprouts do appear to be my bluestars. Abby mentioned they have milky sap.
‘Diane’ purple Salvia greggii and purple moss verbena (non native, bought it by mistake), mealy blue sage, ‘Fordham giant’ Swiss Chard and lacinato kale for green, marigolds for yellow (but they turned out more orange…), Linnaeus burning embers marigolds for orange, and ‘Will Rogers’ zinnias for red. Needs some work on colors, but not bad for a start!
Also got mulch back in place over some cardboard. Seeds in ground are two kinds of marigolds (for yellow and orange), red zinnias, purple verbena (unfortunately a non native one that I ordered accidentally but it doesn’t sound awful), and standing cypress (which would bloom next year). I need to start butterfly milkweed (orange) cold stratifying.