Three hours to harvest and sort all this.First canning tomato variety fruit. I can’t remember which one, I need to look at spreadsheet. The marker is buried in dirt. Update: is Amish Paste tomato.Grass seeds did not wash away in rain. Whew.Intruder alert!!Possibly the frass of the offending hornworm???Loofah gourd flower disintegrated in rain.A jewel of rain on succulent.
Briar wanted to go out around 4am. I found this nibbled out Bisbee red cowpea flower.A pair of Red-banded Hairstreaks mating. They must have started yesterday as I can’t imagine they were flying at night.Alright actual morning, the chewed up flower still opened!A bit of rain seems to have the Bisbee red cowpeas really blooming!A tepary bean flower!She had a piece of grass on her nose, silly dog.A break indoors. Gram’s really lounging hard.A close up of this hard working kitty cat.A geometrid moth trapped in the shower. I released it outside.Front porch is boring. She sits next to more strawberry runners I’m capturing in dirt for a coworker.A Pearl Crescent sits on moon and stars watermelon leaf which is speckled with “stars”.A different watermelon flowering. I forget which variety.A jumping spider patrolling the cushaw squash vineBriar investigates.An American Bumblebee (Bombus pennsylvanicus) in the loofah gourd flower.The volunteer loofah gourds are really framing the rain barrel nicely.A different loofah individual has made itself a ground cover for one of the apple trees.The whole front garden.
The two black swallowtail cats I moved to parsley from my carrots seem to be settling in after an hour.So I moved the third. Here it is very angry still on carrots. Its orange “horns” are defense with a foul smelling liquid. Smelled sort of like a rotten orange to me but I have a bad sense of smell.
Surprise! A loofah gourd I didn’t plant has already reached the top of the trellis.Chard, mini bell peppers, and Chimayó peppers.The Chef found a cutworm in the chard.I found a big beautiful banana spider (Argiope) in the tomatoes while I harvested! I made sure not to bother her more.I finally determined the zucchini plant was a total loss to squash vine borers. I also made an executive decision to not let the very thriving white currant tomato plant shade out the moon and stars watermelon or the salvia or the rosemary. There’s only one plant and it’s a monster! I got over 900 g this evening alone.All tidy now. I hope the watermelon will do better now.I came inside to find this beautiful meal prepared by the Chef. Greens are chard from the garden and the bell pepper topping is mini bell peppers sliced. Yum. Nice and cool after working in the heat and humidity.
Argiope spider. We call them banana spiders for the yellow but I think most people call them garden spiders.Missouri fluttermill primrose in the rock/sedum garden continues to bloom!Many tomatoes along with kohlrabi.A caterpillar on cilantro. Maybe a cutworm? It looks familiar…Uzbek golden carrots! Excited to try them… I harvested a bit early on two. Oops.Wes made hot pot style soup. It contains chard, kohlrabi stem and leaves, green beans, sweet peppers, onions, and green onions.A view of the spread. We have a vaccinated guest!!
I noticed a bump on one of the two remaining baby apples. The apple in question fell right off so I guess it was a goner anyways.A top view of the wee beastie after I coaxed it out with a piece of grass. I believe it’s a fly maggot but it seems too big from what I read of the common apple fly maggot (Rhagoletis sp).“Nooooo don’t turn me over”“Where’s my apple???”“Hmph.”. Back upright for a full length portrait with its prey.