Maybe Phacelia?I found at least four leaves full of my amazing tree hopper friends.Each leaf had a different set of adults or immatures.Adults get taken care of too.Babies!!!The leaf bends where the treehopper eggs were.Lace bugFrogfruit east of patio is doing well. Just moved a piece there this spring.Nice true bugDog flower highly mobile.Monarda future flower bud??Baptisia and okraRudbeckia maxima from Abby has a new leaf.A planthopper (Flatidae) on curly dock. First time for this family in the yard?? I used to see them regularly at home.Rattlesnake master still lives.Passionvine (seeds from Bartlesville) doing well in their second year.Tiny bee on butterfly milkweedHedeoma in with Datura.
Weird fungus in front strawberry bed where sweetgum roots are rotting.Potatoes!Some eggs on the house.Dayflower. Someday I’ll figure out if it’s the native or non native species.A mystery that came along from Texas.It turns out these tiny things are seedheads, so I completely missed it blooming.I looked at it in the microscope to confirm they are seeds. Abby suggested a Nutallanthus sp which looks right. I can’t believe I somehow missed the flowers! Maybe while I was at home in Texas in April?A non native rye. It’s pulled now. Thanks Jeanne!Mystery grass, up close of seedheads. Abby has identified as Vulpia sp, but that genus contains both native and non native species.The same Vulpia sp, outside.Guest cat Shackleton wanted and got a leash walk today.He loves a good dust patch.At the end of the water hose is a small Datura wrightii that I figured I should plant while we have our probably last spell of cool weather for the spring. I left its sibling in a pot until I find out if this spot has enough sun.A baby Dalea purpurea (purple prairie clover) in the prickly pear planter! This was from a free seed packet from prairie moon. I didn’t use any inoculum.Abby very kindly gave me one of her two seedlings from her Rudbeckia maxima! Really excited to watch this one grow!!