Well, on the way out to walk the dog, I started lifting up some tubs and towels to let things have sun and see what survived. I’ll go out again later and see about the kohlrabi and one cabbage as the chef wants them for dinner. Any feedback on whether to trim back the damaged perennials (irises, garlic, rosemary) would be appreciated!
The melting report
To be followed by survival report!
Sun is shining and toasty 21°F for lunch break
Definitely pictures of garden in snow, not dog wearing her booties
Excellent layer of insulation out there!
The drifting side of the house
The wind seems to be from the northwest and the front yard confirms that.
Insulating blanket of FUN
We woke up to a snowy world! Briar has seen snow before and enjoyed it but was hesitant at first this morning. She got over that soon enough and subsequently went insane with happy bouncing.
A dinner with a single garden ingredient
Wes requested rosemary to season dinner this evening.