We got another package of bare roots from Prairie Moon. One rattlesnake master (since we have one already, maybe they will make seeds), one Camassia angusta- they only had one left), and several Ohio spiderworts. Up front, the pineapple sage is blooming. Two slightly different looking seedlings in the Penstemon cobea pot. I’ll keep an eye on them. Winter greens looking good. The purple Salvia greggii are really blooming right now. The showy milkweed seems to be shutting down for the fall with some yellow colors. I had to use one of the Chef’s big food grade buckets to hold all the fruit from the 17 lb watermelon from a few weeks ago when I cut it open today.
Maybe Phacelia?I found at least four leaves full of my amazing tree hopper friends.Each leaf had a different set of adults or immatures.Adults get taken care of too.Babies!!!The leaf bends where the treehopper eggs were.Lace bugFrogfruit east of patio is doing well. Just moved a piece there this spring.Nice true bugDog flower highly mobile.Monarda future flower bud??Baptisia and okraRudbeckia maxima from Abby has a new leaf.A planthopper (Flatidae) on curly dock. First time for this family in the yard?? I used to see them regularly at home.Rattlesnake master still lives.Passionvine (seeds from Bartlesville) doing well in their second year.Tiny bee on butterfly milkweedHedeoma in with Datura.