I was going to trim the granny Smith back carefully to see if any life remained in the tree, but it broke right off at the base, completely dry, in my hands. So that one’s a goner. I’m not sure if it was too much water or too much heat. I don’t think it was too little water, as the soaker hose leaks prodigiously near here.The north star pie cherry died this year and I checked the trunk- no green left. I think it was irregular watering (boo, me) and heat.The surecrop pie cherry lost all its leaves a bit later, but I found a bit of green as I pruned back its branches. I think this winter we will move it to where the Granny Smith apple was, and then replace the soil in the corten planters and do native calcareous barrens flowers there instead.Paula found a magnificent preying mantis and it helped us look at clouds in hope of rain.We pruned the remaining apple and pear trees back. The first summer ones are supposed to be down to three short branches, so it’s especially sparse looking. This is supposed to help them stay small. The two remaining second-summer ones are trimmed back but more branches left in place. They’ll all get pruned again in the winter for structure and shape.
We lifted and sorted through our two straw bales of potatoes since the leaves were all eaten off by blister beetles. Upon moving the bales, we found eight bess beetles…One fast isopod…A second fast isopod…Three baby house mice…And one click beetle. This brings us to a total of 14 photographed animals plus a whole nest of ants and a small earwig that got away.Compare this to our glorious harvest: ten potatoes from two bales. Paula is researching where we went wrong. I feel like maybe we should just go back to growing them in soil. (These experiments were my idea so I’m not blaming anyone else.). At least this year’s harvest is safer than last year’s crop of black widow spiders??
Good thing I’ve planted the borer resistant cushaw squash! It is a native moth and it sure is pretty.A Madhu ras cantaloupe melon slipped its vine so we figured it was ready.The only red yucca that’s sprouted from Judy’s seeds is doing good in its new spot. It has a third leaf now.Briar found Shackleton. He was not as happy as she was about this.The dog corner of the prairie
I flushed a really big moth as I walked on to the patio after dinner. It landed on the window and turned out to be a Black Witch!!!!! I have always wanted to see one and this is my first.With flash, so you can see the intricate patterns of brown and black and gray.Without flash, for a more natural color closer to what I saw. This is the biggest moth species in North America.A side view. The underwings are not nearly so patterned. By dusk it was gone. Good luck, big friend!
Paula tried one of our Purple Beauty Peppers and found it to be not very sweet, more green bell pepper taste still, and after looking online I think I picked them too early. Needs to be fully, deeply purple. I was worried about sunscald though (see the big tan area on the top one). They’ll still be good to use though.The William’s Pride apple continues to get a flush of red. It’s hot out, me too!I thought this grasshopper was really pretty. Not sure I’ve seen one like it before. We have lots of predator insects and birds in the yard so a few grasshoppers are no harm and lots of food for our other wild friends!Zucchini begins.
Shackleton asking to go out. It’s too hot for him though.A single bloom of ironweed has opened.An American Snout was interested in the water spray as I watered the potted plants.
A paper wasp flies to mealy blue sage.Using the two new wasp books, we narrowed it down to three species of Polistes: dorsalis, bellicosus, or fuscatus.I’ll look this wasp up tomorrow in the pollinator wasps book.It was going in and out of the hollow dead branch.The native black currant is ripening!Pizza with garden basil, garden onions, garden garlic.
Partridge pea blooming.A big skipper caught my attention this morning.I think it may be a Confused Cloudywing or an Outis Skipper. The pale ish area below the antennal club is why I think maybe Outis Skipper, but I also get the impression that one is rarer, so I wonder if I’m missing something obvious that makes it a cloudywing. Both have been recorded in Cleveland county, Oklahoma though.Saw a two spotted bumblebee on mealy blue sage again!The juniperleaf cuttings have started to perk up and poke at the plastic wrap, so I am unsealing them a bit to see if they can handle less humidity yet.Silly sleep