The fall obedient plant has some tiny flowers.One partridge pea has pods! This is important because it’s an annual. I have 2-3 individuals that were blooming at one time so hopefully the seeds make.Did some tomato pruning and found a lot of tomatoes, one Madhu ras cantaloupe melon, and Paula got an okra.
We realized we should think about when green vernissage tomatoes were ripe. They are supposed to have green flesh so this has turned out rather complicated. These ones are good. The green between the dark green stripes has a hint of yellow and translucency. They taste nice and the flesh isn’t mealy.These ones are too soft. They are darker (I don’t think the picture shows well) and have some very soft spots. I tried one and it was bland with a mealy texture.This tomato is too soft.These green vernissage are all ripe except the very bright pale green one that has a thumbs down on it.Bonus: Briar examines the topped up jar of bisbee gray cowpeas.
My coworker and I got a good haul. I was very excited they had native plants this year!! I got a Cleome since my seedlings all died and a rattlebox because it sounded cool. I also got three tomatoes (sweet william, green vernissage, and beefsteak), since all mine died except for Mom’s and a few white currant. And one basil, since there’s never enough basil.Biked home with precious cargo in fearsome wind.